Home Uncategorized VRGO Mini Offers Haptic Feedback For Your Chair in VR

VRGO Mini Offers Haptic Feedback For Your Chair in VR

Credit to: VRGO

VR games offer plenty of feedback in their tracked motion controllers, but what if there could be feedback in other areas? With the VRGO Mini, you’ll also get it in your chair, and you’ll be able to move more precisely without needing your hands at all.

Become one with  your games

Launching on Kickstarter on August 27, the VRGO Mini fits between you and your gaming chair. You lean in the direction you wish to move via analogue input, and it has native support for Steam games that use motion controllers or touchpads. Haptic feedback in the device will give you a little rumble during scary or chaotic moments, bringing you closer to the experience than ever before.

The VRGO Mini is a smaller alternative to the VRGO Chair that launched in 2017. As with that device, you sit on top of the Mini and “move” without actually changing position. This means you won’t be bumping into objects in your living room by accident. It also gives you the chance to use VR locomotion in more confined spaces. You can easily take it with you and use on practically any chair, and low latency should give players less motion sickness. When you lean, your character moves.

Currently, the VRGO Mini is compatible with nearly every VR headset. This includes the Oculus Quest, Rift, Go, HTC Vive, Valve Index, and Windows Mixed Reality. Its configuration can be fully customized to meet your needs, and it’s designed to improve core strength. The plan is to deliver the VRGO Mini to backers by 2020.

Devices like the VRGO Mini are further realizing the true vision of VR, removing the need for analog sticks. Becoming closer to your games is particularly important when using them for workouts, and introducing fitness elements into everything you play on VR can only be a positive thing.