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This Week’s VR Game Roundup: Holopoint Quest Port, Russian Roulette Simulator, and More

During our last VR Game Roundup, there were several interesting games highlighted including fitness tracker YUR leaving Early Access, the release of RealFi, and several new Quest titles. This week’s VR Game Roundup is definitely on the lighter side, but there are still some gems to check out. Headlining this week is the Oculus Quest port of Holopoint, a Russian roulette simulator, and several other new titles.

Darkness Rollercoaster: Anniversary Edition

Kicking off this week’s VR Game Roundup is the line PlayStation VR release this week and it’s not even really a new title. As you can surmise from the title, Darkness Rollercoaster: Anniversary Edition is a new variant of Darkness Rollercoaster, which was released on PSVR in February of this year. While it hasn’t really reached an anniversary on the system, this new bundle also includes the game and the Ultimate Shooter Edition of the title, which was the only version available on PlayStation 4.

Fitness Potential

While a lot of first-person shooters are quite active and are good fitness titles, Darkness Rollercoaster doesn’t quite fit the bill. This rail shooter does have you using both of your arms to block attacks with a shield and shoot enemies, but it won’t meet the peaks of something like Audica. The only thing exclusive to this version is the 20-plus song soundtrack, which doesn’t have any fitness benefits either. This was a skippable release when it came out in February and still is today.

Developer and Publisher: Creative VR 3D

Release Date: September 8, 2020

Compatible With: PlayStation VR

Price: $11.49

Link: PlayStation Store

Holopoint: Oculus Edition

The game in this week’s VR Game Roundup with the most fitness potential is easily Holopoint: Oculus Edition. Already a fitness mainstay, this excellent Oculus Quest port of the archery title is made even better thanks to the cordless experience. In fact, our review called it the definitive way to play it, so you can’t go wrong with picking this up!

Fitness Potential

You will get a great total body workout in with Holopoint and the Quest release means you don’t have to deal with any cords getting in the way. You’ll be rapidly moving your arms in order to deal with waves of enemies and get a great leg workout as you have to squat plenty. It’s quite the test of endurance that will challenge you.

Developer/Publisher: Alzan Studios, LLC

Release Date: September 10, 2020

Compatible With: Oculus Quest

Price: $14.99

Link: Oculus Store

Bullet Roulette VR

Leaving Steam Early Access this week, Bullet Roulette VR does exactly what the name suggests and allows you to play Russian roulette without the fear of actually dying. It’s an interesting competitive title as you can also turn on your opponents and attempt to shoot them instead. Each game starts with players drawing cards that determine the game’s ruleset, so expect plenty of replayability.

Fitness Potential

While Bullet Roulette has positive reviews and has been expanded upon a lot since it first released in Early Access, this simply isn’t a workout title. It’s meant to be tense and might get your heart rate pumping, so you might experience that but you won’t be moving your arms all that much.

Developer and Publisher: Fibrum Limited

Release Date: September 10, 2020

Compatible With: Valve Index, HTC Vive, and Oculus Rift

Price: $4.49 ($5.99)

Link: Steam

Directive Nine

Coming to Early Access is Directive Nine, a new sci-fi shooter with roguelite elements. It’s expected to be in Early Access for a year and will gain additional enemies, weapons, maps, and gadgets over time. Currently, there are 20 rooms available with five enemy types and five guns to choose from. If you dig the concept, pick it up now as the game will increase in price as development continues.

Fitness Potential

This isn’t the most active shooter in the VR Game Roundup but you can take full advantage of movement by bending around corners and working your core. It’s mostly an arm workout, although typically just one at a time as you don’t dual wield weapons.

Developer and Publisher: Rooftop Panda

Release Date: September 10, 2020

Compatible With: HTC Vive & Oculus Rift

Price: $9.99

Link: Steam


If you’re looking for a more meditative and relaxing experience then Dreamfly is the latest option available for Oculus Rift. However, it isn’t entirely passive and the game requires physical activity. The game says to treat it like fitness and you will be controlling your movements by moving your arms, which simulate wings, and working your way around the environments.

Fitness Potential

As mentioned above, you’re flying through dreams in the aptly named Dreamfly, and that means you will be burning some calories since it requires physical movement to fly. If you want to go at high speeds then expect a good bit of movement and to get a decent workout in.

Developer and Publisher: Dmytro Makarenko, Stanislav Marchevskyi / DreamFly Games

Release Date: September 7, 2020

Compatible With: Oculus Rift

Price: $6.99

Link: Steam

The First Titans

Ending this week’s VR Game Roundup is The First Titans. This indie title combines shooters with tower defense titles, which means players have to protect a crystal reactor from aliens.

Fitness Potential

You can dual wield weapons here, so you can expect a bit more arm movement here compared to Directive Nine. Nothing from the trailer makes it look like it will beat the top VR fitness shooters, but it’s more active than your average title at the least.

Developer and Publisher: Anden Studios

Release Date: September 9, 2020

Compatible With: Valve Index, HTC Vive, and Oculus Rift

Price: $10.19 ($11.99)

Link: Steam

That does it for this week’s VR Game Roundup. Let us know in the comments below if you are purchasing anything and if you enjoy it!


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