If you’ve been wanting to add some interest to your cardio machine workouts and you own a VR headset then Holodia’s Holofit Black Friday offer is a deal well worth checking out.
From now until November 30 at 11:59 pm PST you can grab an annual subscription for just 54 Euros, that’s a full 50% discount off the usual 104 Euro fee. The offer lasts the whole Black Friday weekend, including Cyber Monday.
To access the offer simply click the link below:
The offer is open to all new and returning customers.
What is Holofit?
If you’re unfamiliar with Holofit here’s a quick rundown.
Holofit is a subscription-based software service that allows you to connect stationary bikes, elliptical/cross-trainer machines, and compatible rowing machines into VR and row, ride or stride your way through Holofit’s range of beautiful and varied virtual landscapes.
There are various modes, racing, time attack, HIIT workouts as well as simple Explorer modes, and trophy hunting. Why stare at walls whilst cycling when you could be in the wild west, in space, or even underwater?
Check out my complete Holofit review for an in-depth look at the software. I’ve been using Holofit with my Concept 2 rower for the past several months and I can tell you it’s well worth the investment if you are serious about your health and want to make your workouts more interesting.
Check out some video footage of my past workouts below
Rowing through a Tolkienesque dwarf mine
Cycle racing in space around a mining station orbiting Saturn
You’ll find a lot more Holofit videos on our Youtube channel.
Holofit Compatibility, Who Can Use It?
For a full compatibility list check out the Holodia website where you will find a comprehensive Q & A but I can give you the broad strokes here.
Holofit works with both standalone (Oculus Quest 1 & 2, HTC Vive Focus, and even Samsung Gear VR) as well as all PCVR headsets. They connect slightly differently so I’ll briefly go over both.
Mobile Version
The mobile version (Quest) connects your cardio equipment to your headset via Bluetooth. Any cardio machines that have FTMS Bluetooth capability will connect automatically, otherwise, you will need to attach a Bluetooth sensor to the pedal of your cardio device.
The sensor will work great with any stationary bike, and most elliptical machines so if you have a Quest and a bike or elliptical, grab a $20 dollar sensor and you’re good to go. Holodia recommends the IGP Sport C61 cadence sensor.

To use a rowing machine via Bluetooth you’ll need either a Concept 2 with PM5 monitor or a water rower with Smart Row. If you have an older, or budget rower, Holodia does have a head tracking motion mode, where rowing movement is calculated by your headsets motion.
PCVR Version
If you own a PCVR headset then you’ll need to connect up your cardio equipment to your PC directly via USB cable. This obviously relies on your cardio machine being USB compatible and having a USB port.
Works Great With An Oculus Quest And Any Stationary Bike
For the majority of users, the most likely combination of headset and equipment use case will be paring an Oculus Quest with a stationary bike. As reported above, this is dead simple to achieve. Simply purchase a Bluetooth cadence sensor, attach it to the inside of one of your bike pedals and you’re good to go.

You can read my full hands-on guide to using Holofit with a stationary bike to learn more. Perhaps a great Christmas gift for a loved one, or an ideal alternative to a gym membership in this post-Covid world…
Download a free trial
if you’re curious and want to test it out you can download a trial for the Oculus Quest on Sidequest. This is a 7-day trial version and it can be upgraded to the full version with a license key if you decide to purchase. So you can download it to test over the weekend, and if you like it, purchase the subscription for just 54 Euros if you order before midnight on Cyber Monday 11:59 PST.
You can grab a trial of the PCVR version from Holodia’s website.
Put Holofit To Immediate Use And Take Part In The Concept 2 Holiday Challenge!
If you’re fortunate enough to own or have access to a Concept 2 rower with a PM5 monitor and you want to have a fitness goal to conquer right away then you can harness the addictive power of exploring Holofit’s virtual worlds and participate in Concept 2’s annual Holiday Challenge. Running from November 26 to December 24, your goal is to complete 100,000 meters in 29 days. You can even join the Holofit Concept 2 team captained by Michael Arnold and help us do well in the event!