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Google VR: What We Know About the Secret Project

Google is quietly making moves in the background of the high end VR market. Are you ready for their next move?


If you have been following Google’s VR efforts, you might have heard about the Daydream headset. You can pre-order the Daydream today for $79 USD. Judging by pictures of it, Google also seems to be taking a step towards the stylish in their VR development. The Daydream is washable, it comes in three colors, and it features a sleek controller. Similar to the Cardboard, you will need a “Daydream-ready” smartphone to use it. But it doesn’t seem like Google VR is going to stop there.


On October 19th, Google filed documents with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to test a prototype wireless device. A number of Employees, contractors, and developers will be doing the brunt of the testing. In addition to that, Google has said that the prototypes are not intended by use for the general public. That may be, but the statement doesn’t say anything about the state of the final product. The version linked here has been redacted, but the general public has some clues to speculate on.

Tuning in to Google’s Frequency

According to the filings, Google’s prototype device transmits across 2.4 GHz to 5.8 GHz. This range lies between ultra high and super high frequency on the radio spectrum. As a point of reference, other wireless technology operating in this band include Bluetooth, mobile phones, wireless LAN, and two-way radios.

Familiar Faces

The filings include Mike Jazayeri as a contact on the FCC filings. You might consider this not much to go on, but that’s before you find out who Jazayeri is. He has been with Google since 2005. He was the director of product management for products such as Google Talk, Google Cloud Print, and, you guessed it, Google Cardboard.


This might be a bit of a stretch, but Jazayeri is currently the leader of Google’s VR efforts. It only follows that the prototype device the company is testing has something to do with VR.

Puzzling Out Possible Google VR

Google hasn’t released any information to the general public about the prototype, but if you consider yourself a sleuth, the FCC filings offer the following:

“The Device consists of a [REDACTED]. To enable [REDACTED], the Device also has a [REDACTED]. Consistent with [REDACTED], the [REDACTED] in the Device will enable [REDACTED], as needed.”

We know there’s less context there than in a Mad Libs story, but it’s what we have for now. At least until Google comes forward with more information. One thing we can be certain of from their recent releases in Daydream and the pixel phone, Google will not be left behind in the race for best tech for consumers.