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HomeThe VR League Prepares for Grand Finals at Oculus Connect 5

The VR League Prepares for Grand Finals at Oculus Connect 5


Competitors and fans alike have eagerly awaited an announcement regarding the VR League grand finals that will be held at Oculus Connect 5 on September 26-27 at San Jose’s McEnery Convention Center. Players have been anxious to discover which VR esports would be featured and how many competitors would be attending for each game.

The wait has ended as ESL officially announced that Echo Arena, Onward, Sprint Vector and The Unspoken will be featured live at OC5, battling for a portion of the $120,000 prize pool.

Onward and The Unspoken will take the stage on September 26. Echo Arena and Sprint Vector will have their turn on September 27.


The VR League brought Onward into the action this season by collaborating with the already established VR Master League. Four teams will be compete for the $60,000 prize pool on the stage at Oculus Connect 5.

Globochem, currently ranked number one in world standings, secured a spot for OC5 at the Onward Invitational in June.

Other teams will compete in the Onward Open Qualifier on August 11-12 and then the Summer Championship Round Robin on August 18-19. Semifinals on August 24 and 26 will determine two more positions for the stage at OC5.

The final position will be earned at another invitational event in Leicester on September 1-2. Four teams will participate in a double-elimination bracket and one of them will earn the last slot at OC5.

The Unspoken

Weekly competition has already ended for The Unspoken and the top four players from each region (EU and NA) have earned their spot in the World Finals Qualifier.

Four additional players from Europe and North America will have an opportunity to secure a slot during the Last Chance Qualifier on August 14. This qualifier is open to anyone so check out some tips on How to Train for The Unspoken Before VR League Competition and sign up.

Four players from the weekly competitions will join the four top players from the Last Chance Qualifier at a World Finals Qualifier on August 18. After this event, two players from each region will advance to the finals at OC5, casting spells and skillful abilities to fight for a portion of the $11,250 prize pool.

Echo Arena

Since the Echo Arena VR League Season 2 began on May 20, teams have been competing in weekly cups to earn points and cash prizes. The system was reorganized this season to be more accommodating, encouraging ladder matches during the week and also allowing for the advancement of newer teams that formed late or improved as the season progressed.

The tournament was also divided into three stages this season. At the end of each stage, there is a stage final that consists of any team that places first in a weekly cup, the team in each region that earns the most points throughout that stage and the team that earns the most points in the ladder system for that stage for each region. (The next team in line earns a spot if the top team has already earned a slot by another means.)

The first two stages have already been completed, but the Stage 3 Finals will be held on August 12. In each stage finals, two teams from each region earn the right to advance to the World Finals Qualifier, bringing the total from stage finals to twelve.

Teams that haven’t already qualified will have another opportunity by competing in The Last Chance Qualifier on August 14-15. This is a single-elimination best of three games and the top two teams from each region will be added to the roster for the World Finals Qualifier that will take place on August 18-19.

The two top teams from each region in the World Finals Qualifier will advance to the Grand Finals at OC5 to compete for $38,000 in prize money.

Sprint Vector

The first ever Sprint Vector champion will be crowned at Oculus Connect on September 27. Weekly competitions have ended, but racers still have an opportunity to earn a spot on the stage by participating in the World Finals Qualifier on August 17.

The World Finals Qualifier is designed to find the fastest racers with three World Qualifier events:  Europe, North America and North America (Community). The eight competitors with the most points after eight races will advance to the grand finals at Oculus Connect, where they’ll face each other in a LAN environment for eight more races. These guys will be fighting for a portion of the $11,750 prize pool and bragging rights for that first championship title.

Check out this article if you’re interested in training for the competition and sign up here.

Be sure to watch the races as well as the other competitions streamed live from Oculus Connect on the VR League’s social media platforms:  FacebookTwitch and YouTube. The VR League grand finals is sponsored by ESL, Oculus and Intel.


Sonya Haskins
Sonya Haskins
Sonya Haskins is VR Esports Editor at VR Fitness Insider and encourages positive, inclusive environments in VR and beyond. She was the first female player to qualify for the VR League North American Regional Championships, as well as the first seated player in the league. Sonya has 5 grown children, has written 8 books and lives in Southeast TN.

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